Sunday, March 29, 2009

SFPL Librarians and Deviant Art

Hi guys,
I spoke with two art librarians yesterday, they were not overly aware of the site, but we looked at together, and they did agree that yes, somehow it could be used in relation to the library. The Art and Music dept, does have a blog and are listed on several spots of de lic ious .

Their suggestion was that we do not actually create fake persona, but go ahead and create a persona that represents the library, un-offcially. As a citizen we could highlight what we felt are the artistic stregths of the library. Such as the Historic photo collection, which are copyright free and therefore we can publish them onto deviant. Also April is national poetry month we could higlight the events that are takining place within the SF library system, create our own poertry and while doing so incourage other to do the same and to attend events, be it in SF or wherever.


general library presence

Here is what I have looked up so far that we can use on the site:

Devious info:
I figured we would use this for basic information.
-current residence: San Francisco
-interests: libraries, art...etc
-We can also add our faux website, or something.
-Another option we can add is the possibility of adding other messenging services, like AIM, MSN, Yahoo. This would allow people/patrons to have more access to us for any questions they may have. Times can be posted when a librarian will be available for these other messenging services.

Newest Deviations:
This would be added by us, the librarians/library.
Ideas - If we have upcoming events, perhaps we could upload images/film/writings by those
that we wish to feature.
Examples: Manga workshop
-use of images of artist, what they have done
Art exhibitions
-example of work
-quick excerpts
Only question, would be permission of artists for us to do so?

May be picked by staff from followers of our DeviantArt site. That way we incorporate
patrons who actively follow us on DeviantArt.
-This could change each week/every other week/monthly rotation.
Another idea is to include tours of the library online. We could feature departments.
Another idea is to include perhaps little snippets of recorded past events at the library or
images from those past events here.

This can be used as the library's blog/posts.
Things we can post:
-upcoming events
-recommendations by staff (books, film, music, etc)
-top lists

I haven't completed all the features yet for the library's basis/presence on Deviantart. I was thinking that we should probably create a faux Deviantart site for this library. It might be something good to show during our presentation.

In terms of library's basis/presence, it seems like there are a bunch of different options that we have with using the Deviantart site. I'll post more as I get through it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Notes from 3/22 Meeting

Notes on Our Meeting
Sunday, March 22

I’m afraid my note-taking skills are a little suspect, but here’s what I have…

Matt discussed the use of the Tutorials feature as a possible tool for integrating deviantArt site into a library.

--way of tapping into the educational potential of the site
--Possibility of creating one or several personae to “inhabit”
each area (painting, photography, etc.)
--using the Galleries features to gather tutorials that our users might
get interested in, draw people to our library presence on the

How to integrated the real Social Networking aspects of the site into our project?
--developing links to the Chat portion of deviantArt (dA).

We also discussed what type of library we are representing, and decided on an urban public library such as SFPL.

How to draw users to our presence on dA?

Use of polls/auctions/contests.

Linking a Teen Center/Teen Art component with dA.

Pete talked about the Literature section of dA, use of writing contests, writing groups, collaborative writing projects, guest writers, etc. All as ways of using existing formats on dA as a way of linking with the library.

Jamie mentioned some research she had done on other types of Social Networking and their application to libraries, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc.
-we discussed how the dA site differed from some of these and grappled with how to establish a library presence there.

Did we agree to use a blog format for the final presentation of our work?

We developed some categories to pursue further, including:
Library Presence on Website
Contests/Announcements/Other Communication Tools
Social Networking

Discussed the possibility of setting up a real presence on the dA site, and also obtaining cooperation of SFPL on the project, but we seemed to feel time might be too short to get something like this going.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

some beginnings...

Hi everyone!

I'm so sorry. Every week I say I'm going to post something just to get started, but no. Doesn't work out. I hope everyone is good and everyone is probably just as work-loaded right now as I.

So I'm just looking over deviantart website and seeing how we can relate this as a social network tool for libraries and what I've done is looked at some libraries that use social networking tools like myspace and facebook, just to get some ideas.

Just looking at the layout of deviantart, it seems a little limited maybe. But, I did find this option of editing your site I think. There is an option of putting up a custom, allowing you to put whatever you want to. I was thinking on that maybe we could add things like events and such, things that promote or drive people to using the library. There is also an option to add a link to maybe we can use that somehow for to stay connected with others, like students or patrons in general. Perhaps that could be our use of online communication in case someone has a question that we can address online. I've never used twitter though before, but just read the caption for it...."social messaging to stay connected." Or there is also a Shoutbox on deviantart as well.

This is all just very rough, but I just wanted to get something out there. I hoped that this would make me feel more productive.

I'll keep remembering to look around the deviantart website and see what else we can do with it.